
The provision of teaching for the doctorate is given through modules (ad hoc, adapted from the training plans of M.Sc. courses, on request) and seminars.


Ad hoc modules are offered by the PhD teaching staff. Some of these courses are organized in collaboration with other doctorates.

Some Modules are adapted from the training plans of the seven M.Sc. courses organized by DIETI. Each module includes specific activities devoted to PhD student.

On request modules. Student, tutor and PhD board agree on the inclusion in each student training plan for further modules offered in the M.Sc. courses of the School or other PhD courses , even from other universities. Modules from foreign universities can be included during the training period spent abroad (up to 18 months).


Seminars are usually taught by foreign or other universities professors, highly qualified representatives of research institutions and enterprises.

Specific seminars and teachings on linguistics, computer science, use and dissemination of results) will be organized jointly within the area of engineering PhD programme.